Financial results - COMPA SA

Financial Summary - Compa Sa
Unique identification code: 788767
Registration number: J1991000129321
Nace: 2932
Sales - Ron
Net Profit - Ron
The most important financial indicators for the company Compa Sa - Unique Identification Number 788767: 767.200.685 euro, registering a net profit of 7.675.390 euro and having an average number of 1.792 employees. Firma isi desfasoara activitatea in domeniul Fabricarea altor piese si accesorii pentru autovehicule si pentru motoare de autovehicule having the NACE code 2932.
Sales - Ron94M108M142M154M162M157M113M143M149M155M20142014201520152016201620172017201820182019201920202020202120212022202220232023


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
CAEN 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932 2932
ACTIVE IMOBILIZATE - TOTAL 314.997.293 351.512.794 365.323.716 361.907.906 397.103.867 489.886.216 502.230.826 484.508.326 467.928.790 441.084.683
CAPITALURI - TOTAL, din care: 324.055.154 317.824.816 366.160.825 404.515.100 440.152.922 474.890.563 487.637.511 497.344.378 497.106.073 504.524.865
Capital subscris varsat 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104 21.882.104
Cifra de afaceri neta 421.121.804 480.430.751 638.659.554 704.042.288 752.507.249 746.729.484 547.121.134 705.725.717 737.001.238 767.200.685
VENITURI TOTALE 444.449.275 501.973.270 685.914.977 722.321.916 771.959.965 785.598.211 558.846.150 744.234.733 754.045.549 779.859.678
CHELTUIELI TOTALE 415.839.896 471.281.021 632.492.782 679.679.102 733.137.382 752.072.245 543.872.455 726.202.473 750.209.316 770.723.013
Profit brut 28.609.379 30.692.249 53.422.195 42.642.814 38.822.583 33.525.966 14.973.695 18.032.260 3.836.233 9.136.665
Profit net 23.886.130 28.354.626 51.627.557 38.098.354 35.428.575 32.708.709 13.919.766 15.058.967 2.510.594 7.675.390
ACTIVE CIRCULANTE - TOTAL, din care: 142.638.481 212.815.360 201.257.449 234.430.880 277.017.698 232.703.066 229.779.839 295.366.508 293.334.493 252.654.571
Numar mediu de salariati 1.660 1.743 1.954 2.031 2.094 2.190 1.495 1.879 1.807 1.792
Stocuri 59.973.203 92.012.061 91.976.309 104.615.667 111.828.324 105.465.772 91.738.385 142.811.966 134.910.252 112.181.757
Creante 81.855.417 106.059.638 108.675.529 129.201.234 164.123.904 121.157.473 137.153.567 141.486.185 152.438.134 139.930.245
Casa si conturi la bãnci - - 605.611 613.979 1.065.470 6.079.821 887.887 11.068.357 5.986.107 542.569
Casa si conturi la banci 809.861 14.743.661 - - - - - - - -
CHELTUIELI IN AVANS 1.275.517 420.178 423.937 550.379 609.190 1.011.271 708.262 1.359.566 1.227.727 1.377.113
DATORII 117.414.981 206.597.160 165.300.413 158.921.299 196.907.765 208.748.210 209.076.889 251.356.816 237.216.626 161.513.289
VENITURI IN AVANS 17.305.511 40.190.711 34.422.619 30.576.471 37.534.423 39.826.135 35.868.882 32.308.561 27.949.850 22.857.678
PROVIZIOANE 135.645 135.645 1.121.245 2.876.295 135.645 135.645 135.645 224.645 218.461 6.220.535

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Compa Sa

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